Our most popular templates for free!
Proven templates loved by our clients. Simply download and try them out today.
We wanted to make our most popular canvas worksheets available to you, easily and quickly!
Click on the canvas you want, fill out the details and get your new product management canvas to help you on your way to product success.
Click on the canvas you want, fill out the details and get your new product management canvas to help you on your way to product success.
Innovation canvas
Why you should use this!
- Adds the ability to be consistent and drive repeatable results during our ideas assessment phase
- Be able to conduct ideas assessment in an organised and structured fashion
- Quickly define reasons to say no, and equally yes, to product ideas and avoid unnecessary momentum or to move quickly when needed!
User journey canvas
Why you should use this!
- Maintain sight on the persona/user to track their use case
- Adjust to the template indefinitely to suit number of steps in the journey in any B2B/B2C scenario
- Uncover sticking points in the user journey to identify areas of marginal gain for less friction and better user experience
Value prop canvas
- Build out the value statement of your product
- This is your elevator pitch! In 30 words or 30 seconds, this canvas gives structure to the statement of what makes your product valuable
- Use this tool to build your positioning statement as part of the Messaging canvas
Messaging canvas
- You can capture all the required content and then polish the language later on.
- Clearly display your headline message so it can be adjusted easily before you build out the full brochure of messaging
- Work together in a team to bring a range of ideas about how we message the product!
Retirement canvas
- Retirement can cause many issues if not handled properly, so we treat this the same way we assess new ideas
- Products also don’t last forever, this canvas helps us understand when it may be the right time to plan a product retirement
- Helps us to see how this change may affect the market as well
SWOT canvas
- Use for analysis at any level; competition, market, features, ourselves, megatrends…and so much more!
- The canvas is specific enough for us to use at the level of market segment or region
- Very widely used tool and right here if you don’t already have a ready to use template
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